Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Week 11

This is a busy week again and last week of the class as well. I have read two chapters 13 and 14 which is the last chapter of this book. I have learned a lot this week too which is very useful for my future profession. Different types theory of explain by different way about abnormal behavior. I learned a lot of disorder including anxiety, mood, personality schizophrenic, and somatoform disorder. In chapter 14, I read the therapy and main types of psychotherapy. I got ideas about the group therapy and biomedical therapies. I am done this class.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Week 10

I have learned about the personality and different kind of way to measure personality. Personality is a characteristics or traits of individual including emotion, attitudes, thoughts, habits, impulses, behaviors that defines how person behave with the world. The two main tools reliable and valid assess the personality. We can measure personality by different way: personality inventories, projective tests, rating scales and clinical interview. The most common use of personality test way is Minnesota multiphase personality inventory (MMPI-2) which is designed to identify the problem and set mainly with yes and no questions.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Week 9

This is also a busy week for me. We have to read two chapters 10 and 11. I have learned a lot this week. How we understand and interact with others is a social psychology. Social cognition is referred to the ways in which we think about ourselves and others. I am learning the health psychologies which study how people’s behavior influences their health and how to be good and worse and learned react stress, coping skill. These all are a very necessary skill for all profession and every day life.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Week Eight

This is week eight of my online psychology class. In this week, I have learned how people growth, change and develop. I am learning less compare to other chapter because I already took human growth and development class. This chapter is about the human life span. During prenatal period, mainly three stages germinal, embryonic, and fetal stages. Children development affects both nature and nurture or gene and environment. Infants’ and children’s brain are highly plastic or changeable. I have a good review in this chapter.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The week 7

This is a seven week of my psychology class. I have learned about motivation, emotion and behavior. I knew the new that when we are hungry or shut off hunger, receptors of our stomach monitor the in take of the food and contraction of the stomach, and then signal the brain. Even though I learned many theory of emotion, I believe cognitive- meditational theory which states that our cognitive appraisal of a situation determines what emotion we feel in the situation. Another things I learned what caused sexual orientation and what is sexual arousal and response?

Friday, April 15, 2011

The week 6

This we have learned how we think and learn. The way of congnition in which we store and use information. there is a lot of information which is very important to know. how we reason and make decision, judgements. How we can solve the problem, and how we development and use our language. The intelligence is measued by IQ( intelligence quotient) score which divided one's mental age by one's chronological age. these all are very interesting to read and learned.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Week Five

This week is a very busy week so far. We are learning two chapters 5 & 6. the chapter 5 is related to learning including classing conditioning, operant conditioning, and social learning. in classing condtioning, we have learned from Wotson and Rayner's experience which is called Little Albert which shows the emotional responses. We learn from consequences of our actions in the operant conditioning where B.F. Skinner did great contribution to study this learning. Social learning occurs by observing and modeling others. the chapter 6 is about how memory functions like three stages of memory including sensory, shot- term and long -term.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Week four

this is a first day of week four of psychology class. In this week, we will be focus on different stages of sleep, theory of sleep, and different sleep disorder. I think psychology is very important for everyone to learn because it helps our daily activity. It may change our like style.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Week third

I am on the three week of the online psychology class.I am learning about the sensation alnd perception. I am already familar of the information and some of them are completly new to me. Any way I am enjoying to learn psychology and I never thought that psychology is a like that interesting to learn.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Week second

This is my one day of second week in my online psychology class. I am learning about the biology of psychology. This my a new topic to me.I am getting a lot of new knowledge how the brain and behavior are related. how the nervous system is communicate to the boby and affect our behavior. The action potentionl happen across the axon of neuron and release the neurotransmitter into the synapse.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Week first

This is my first day of psychology class. I am confusing about the research method, experiments. what is independed and depended variable in the experiment method ?